Girl With a Suitcase

Halloween is here!

Here we go, finally: Halloween is here!


One of the most popular holidays in the United States, which European children admire and emulate since they can barely speak, and since then they wish to enjoy it. Of course, I was one of those kids! And now that I’m here, I’m just feeling like I’m back to 10 years ago and I’m a little girl again! As soon as I see the decorations for halloween I get crazy, this week I can not study or be productive in any way, I would just be out doing trick or treat … but from this point of view, for now I have been a little disappointed. For the past two months the stores have been decorated for Halloween (no joke, they started on September 1st… I can’t guess what do they do for Christmas!). They have been creating expectations over and over again, and now that it’s finally here it seems to me it’s not happening enough. You could answer me that it is not halloween yet, be patient, but wait, hey, I’m in America! Halloween on October, 31st, here is already over: it’s all the previous week what counts!

That’s actually more true than what you may expect, especially since the day after is not holiday like it is in Italy. I also have an exam…does it seem possible??? But on the 1st of november, I will be visiting a true Halloween attraction: Knott’s scary farm. That’s a normal amusement park that during Halloween time completely transforms itself into…the Hell on Earth!!! Actors disguised as horror creatures go around in the darkness jumping in front of you and scaring you to death, while you pass through the roller coasters and…the haunted houses that have been created just for this experience! Amazing and…TERRIFYING!!! Seriously, if you don’t like to get scared, don’t go there…

Knott's Scary Farm: Halloween night!

Knott’s Scary Farm: Halloween night!

Up to now I was a little disappointed by the party that happened this Saturday: it was done in an empty parking lot.What does it have to do with Halloween? What’s scary about a parking lot? The most frightening things were the costumes of some girls who disguise themselves as people who had forgotten to put on pants! No web, no ghost hanging, no decoration…there was good music … but the same kind of any party!
What should be said is that the costumes are …well, here are different. In Europe we still think that Halloween is a festival where people dress in the theme of “horror” … not to scare necessarily, even in Italy it has become a bit of the sex-fair, but still the majority of people dress up as witches or ghosts. There is a difference with the carnival, is not it? Here instead I have not seen even one witch, seriously. It is much more carnivalesque, in fact: it is a competition to see who has the most original idea. There are historical figures of all kinds, from movies, from cartoons, there are fruits and vegetables, singers and comedians … the important thing is to be original and recognizable.
Alongside this very original vein, there is another one that had me a bit saddened and upset, especially when I went crazy to find a costume that I could actually get out of the house with. Well, if you’re a girl in America who wants a costume in a store, be prepared to see the exhibition of porn. Each costume has the neckline to the nipples and the skirt that ends at your ass (not under, right there …).There is the sexy nurse, the sexy soldier, there is a sexy policewoman, and there is even the sexy nun. There is no limit to sexy! 
I do not want to be old-fashioned, but really I can not explain why Halloween should be an excuse to get naked. I am the first one to have myself dressed as a sexy cat woman a few years ago, but at least I had my pants on.
Then, during the parties, it happen to assist to some kind of “horror” scenes like the one I saw, with a poor, very drunk girl was being touched completely by a horrible, fat Zorro, while her sexy schoolgirl skirt had reached her armpits. The worst thing is that she seemed to be liking it…I hope no one took pictures, so she won’t ever be able to see it.
By my side, discouraged by too much sex appeal and incredible prices, I bought a purple wig and a witch’s hat (I know it’s not original at all, but I really did not know what to do to not spend $ 50 and do not dress like a prostitute) and I was beautiful! And now I look forward to the other parties in the program and any other thing in which I can participate to take advantage fully of the American spirit of halloween! The thing I would really LOVE to do, cause it doesn’t exist in Italy, is trick or treating … I know that I am 20 years old and I’m no longer a child, but in fact it is not my fault if I have not spent my childhood here .. . I’m entitled to recover! I just have to find someone else who is as crazy as me (and who does not have dignity like me!) And join some group of kids to do it! Perhaps it would be a good time to start doing the babysitter…I also found out a WEIRD thing: in some American States it is ILLEGAL to go trick or treating when you are more than 16 years old!!! Can you believe it? I mean, can they arrest me for that? Just crazy…
For now I have my beautiful and original halloween pumpkin, which adorns the door of my room without, unfortunately, a candle inside (I do not have it, and I was also told that I can not put it inside for safety reasons…you know, they are so exaggerated!).
So, for now it’s all…I just have to say:

2 thoughts on “Halloween is here!

  1. ALICE

    ciao, frequento come te l’università di Urbino. Ho letto i tuoi post e sinceramente stavo prendendo in considerazione la borsa Isep… però prima dovrò prendere il toefl. Ciò che mi lascia un po’ perplessa è il fatto di frequentare la facoltà di giurisprudenza e avendo ordinamenti giuridici diversi non capisco come possa fare degli esami in Usa e farmeli riconoscere in Italia… Tu che facoltà frequenti?… Se posso chiedere.
    Ti auguro una buona permanenza in California e aspetto nuovi post ;)

    1. girlwithasuitcasegirlwithasuitcase Post author

      Ciao Alice scusa se non ho mai risposto ma non so perchè non mi è mai stato notificato il tuo commento! Io comunque studio, anzi ormai studiavo, lingue, quindi in effetti per me era sicuramente molto utile. Ma se hai letto un po’ i miei post avrai capito come la penso sulle esperienze all’estero: non è solo (anzi quasi per niente alla fine della fiera) un modo per dare i tuoi esami all’estero, ma un’occasione di crescita personale e arricchimento che difficilmente puoi ottenere stando a casa e laureandoti in tempo. Il mio consiglio è sicuramente VAI! Ovvio, se sei indietrissimo con gli esami e a malapena capisci l’inglese magari può essere problematico, ma in caso contrario prendi il TOEFL, fai l’application per l’ISEP, studiati bene quali università tra quelle proposte hanno delle buone facoltà di International Law e approfittane, approfittane più che puoi :)