Girl With a Suitcase

The importance of studying abroad for a job

I was browsing on the internet and I found this …it explains, in English, the importance of studying abroad and how it affects your job search! Literally the ROI (return on intestiment) of this experience (is an indicator of economic efficiency, one of the few things I remember about business economics ;))

When I try to decide what will become of my life, I panic : Italy is in a disaster situation so … it was hard to find one unpaid internship! 

then I’ve chosen an option which is neither ‘meat nor fish: a bit of management, but without the basics of economics, languages, but only two and badly done … well, I do not distinguish crabs from the crowd. And I have no particular ambition: so many things I really like, so many professions interest me, but often do not know how to get where I want, from which self-realization …

I hope that this experience will serve to so many things … I hope that broadens my perspectives, new possibilities maybe I wasn’t even thinking about. Hopefully it will help me learn more about myself and what I am good at. Hopefully that makes me a stronger person, independent, able to deal with the problems that life sets before , proactive … I feel that some things are already changing, improving … this blog is an example! Many more will change before leaving, most after my departure …

Then if all these percentages prove true for me and help me when a job interview comes, it would be really great! But I’m sure that will help to so many things ….